For Buyers & Sellers in The Phoenix Area, Real Estate Agent Melisa Camp Will Put Her Real Estate Experience, Knowledge, & Service to Work For You.

e5d0fdfd17460e0cabd2828ad7e06b00.jpgEnvironmental entrepreneur, solar enthusiast, educator, and residential Realtor with HomeSmart Elite Group since 2008. Camp's primary business focus is selling homes in the Phoenix area while helping homeowners make informed choices for home improvement. Her secondary focus is education, and she founded a real estate school Elite Education in 2014 and a 501(c)(3) non-profit Sustainable Real Estate Education in 2016.

Camp believes in being the change you wish to see in the world and has been a leader transforming the market. Melisa Camp loves helping people. Real Estate Special Commissioner for the Maricopa County Courts, Camp lives and works mostly in North Central Phoenix and in 2019 was elected to the AAR Board of Directors and appointed to the National Association of Realtors Sustainability Advisory Group. She also remains on the GREEN Resource Council Advisory Board for her 5th year and recently helped update the textbooks for the GREEN designation.

Q: How long have you been active in Real Estate?
13 years agent, 10 years instructor & administrator

Q: Do you specialize in certain types of properties?
Eco Friendly homes are my favorite! My specialties include green, solar, certified, sustainable, eco-luxury, and smart homes. I am a LEED AP homes accredited professional and put on my green hard hat every chance I get. I get pumped up from green building science, innovation in design, and healthy homes on a super nerdy level. I have a passion for sharing what I know with whoever wants to learn.

In 2008, I started a remodeling consulting company called Greenhab and successfully remodeled net-zero energy homes and certified them through the National Green Building Standard. I am a solar enthusiast and know how to list and sell homes with solar. 

Pearl certification is also another area of focus for my business. Pearl helps Sellers realize the value of their energy efficiency assets when they sell. I've also coached about a dozen agents on how to best market green and certified homes.

Q: Can you share with our audience what Buyers & Sellers can expect when they work with you?
You can expect a call for me every Friday with an update while we are working together. I anticipate your needs and try to make the transaction as smooth as possible for everyone. I advocate for my clients and can give good advice based on years of experience and a lot of education! I also like to have fun and keep in touch even after the transaction is over.

Q: How do you help buyers compete in a tight market?
We don't give up and I give them the best advice I can based on the information that I have. I've been lucky enough to have several buyers under contract this year in a really low inventory market. Sometimes we have to get creative, and I have lots of ideas that are not in violation of any fair housing laws.

Q: What are two things that separate you from other agents?
I care. A lot. I am highly professional in all situations and customer service is at the heart of my business. I love showing my clients and friends appreciation.

Q: Do you work with both buyers and sellers?
Yes, usually it's about 50-50 but this year has been more buyers.

Q: What do you think are the ingredients that keep you as a top Realtor year after year?
I never stop learning and investing in myself in my business. I love being at the top of my game and giving my clients the best experience possible so they can refer me to other awesome people like them. My business grows, everyone is happy, and they know I have their back. I am very grateful for many loyal repeat clients and referrals from other top agents across the country.

Q: If we interviewed all your past clients … what is one common word that comes up when they describe working with you?

Q: Can you tell our audience one of your most memorable moments your career?
I showed one of my best friends a luxury listing in Scottsdale and it looked like a scene out of the Hangover. The only thing that was missing was the tiger in the living room. So, there's a huge pile of marijuana right inside the door, trash, bottles, red solo cups, beer cans everywhere in sight. Bags and bags of garbage that I couldn't even count like they had been partying for days. We didn't know anyone was home and we heard a noise in the bedroom and found two people in bed together watching TV. 

Needless to say, we apologized and got out of there as quickly as possible. The listing agent had approved our showing and did not tell us that the home was also an Airbnb and he had failed to notify the occupants of our showing. We all had a good laugh, and it was like nothing else I've ever seen.

Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience?
Answer your phone! Lighten up and have a little fun, and buyers should not fall in love with the house until I'm handing them the keys. It's business.

Q: Which woman inspires you and why? 
Mayor Kate Gallego, she's a hard working mom and a leader that leads. She is a Master problem solver that completely understands the issues surrounding climate change and resiliency. It is leaders like her that are going to make a difference because she takes action and does the right thing. 

One girl that inspires me is Gretta Thunberg; she tells it like it is and cares so much our Mother Earth.

Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to succeed in the workplace?
Make education a priority. Don't be afraid to start and don't give up if it gets hard. There will be obstacles you have to overcome and nothing worth anything is going to be easy. Volunteer with causes that are important to you and network.

Q: After high school, where did you feel your career path would take you?  
I wanted to be an attorney and I worked in several large law firms. I also have a background in journalism, HR, and elementary education before coming over to real estate. My undergrad degree is in interdisciplinary studies.

Q: Can you tell us how you manage your work life balance?
My family comes first, and I won't miss any school or sports events. Those dates are going into my calendar first. I keep a tight schedule and Wednesday is the only weekday I am working without children. Nap time is still my power hour and I purposely disarm my doorbell to limit interruptions.

16 Things About Melisa Camp 

1. What's your favorite family tradition? 
Going to the Royal Palm 4th of July parade. I'm actually in charge of it now and we haven't been able to do it because it draws about 600-800 people, and we still have a pandemic.

2. What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee?
Leonardo DiCaprio - he and I would be able to talk about our shared environmental activism plans.

3. What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time?
Go for a hike

4. What’s the most amazing adventures have you’ve ever been on? 
I had three of my four healthy children at home with my midwife and it was absolutely incredible with each one. It really has helped me to realize my strength as a woman.

Among your friends, what are you best known for?

5. Where’s the strangest place you’ve ever been? 
I used to work in my family's mortuary in high school.

6. What’s your favorite international food? 
I'm obsessed with a local Thai restaurant, and I always get the coconut soup, spicy basil noodles, & mango ice cream.

7. What’s your favorite quote or saying?
Be the change you wish to see in the world. Ghandi

8. If you unexpectedly won $10,000, what would you spend it on? 
Hawaiian vacation or electric SUV

9. Are you a morning person or a night owl? 
Night owl

10. What would your perfect vacation look like? 
My family beachfront with room service, beach volleyball, boating, sandcastles, a cold drink with toes in the sand. 

11. Favorite Dessert? 
Chocolate anything

12. What’s your big passion? 
Teaching others about sustainability and eco-friendly living. Everything else is irrelevant if we don’t have a habitable planet. 

13. What would you sing at Karaoke night? 
Lizzo or Taylor Swift

14. What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play? 

15. Have you ever met anyone famous? Who?
Shaquille O'Neal. I was at a hotel in Dana point California after he had lost in the playoffs. I was passing him in a hallway, and I reached my hand up as high as I could (as a 5'10 lady wearing 4 inch stilettos) to give him a high-five. No words and we both just kept moving. 

16. Would you rather cook or order in? 
Order in, I cook all the time


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